rage against the machine

Radio blog

Monday, 7 January 2008

Christmas,brithday and New Year

For Christmas i had time with the family watching Still Game and had are meal. My mother Who always cook to much yet again Cooked to much we had pork and Turkey. after that We played Monopoly I won i had the light blues( Pentonvillie road, Euston Road and The Angle Islington) i also got the Purples(Pall mall, whitehall ans Northumberland Avenue) by bankrobbing my dad.

for my 19th brithday i had just a little bit to much beer lets say that :)

New Years Day!
I seen the New years in by Working the shop was dead i seen no point in woking that day but i got £60 on top of my pay for 4 hours :D then the rest of the time i was with my mum and dad watched still game and seen the new year in and then off to bed because i had to work the next day :(

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